Unidad didáctica |
Vídeo |
Profesor/a |
Curso |
Sports -
The School |
Margarita Hennechart Pocoví |
3º Primaria |
My New School -
Neighbours |
Lilly Calderón López |
5º Primaria |
The Town -
Directions 2 |
Mª del Carmen Pernas Fraga |
5º Primaria |
My New School - Time
Machine |
Jesús Pérez Castaño |
6º Primaria |
Penfriends - Science
Museum - Far West |
Cruz Mª Méndez Vega |
6º Primaria |
The Band/Directions |
Dolores Roldán Cano |
6º Primaria |
mission/ I spy |
Pazos Oya |
1º ESO |
mission/ I spy |
Luz López Grande |
1º ESO |
mission/ I spy |
Rodríguez Sánchez |
1º ESO |
Earth Mission |
Victoria Nicolau García |
1º ESO |
Earth Mission
- Just Married |
Mª Victoria Arbués Gállego |
1º ESO |
Earth Mission & Just Married |
Jose Facundo Pereira |
1º ESO |
Earth mission/ Neighbours |
Ana Cabello Pastor |
1º ESO |
Earth Mission/I Spy |
Elena Cristina Rodriguez Segovia |
1º ESO |
Earth Mission/The Time Machine/The Good Old Days |
Javier Moreno Álvarez |
1º ESO |
spy/ The town/ New year's resolution |
Cabaleiro Pérez |
1º ESO |
My New School
- Earth Mission |
Manuel Angosto Martínez |
1º ESO |
My New School, Earth Mission & I Spy |
Serafin Barreiros Formoso |
1º ESO |
My New School. Earth Mission |
Elena Gaznares Marcos |
1º ESO |
My new school, News of the world, Earth mission, I spy, The town, Test Two, Test Three |
Ana M Vicente Romero |
1º ESO |
My New School. The Town |
Michael Simpson |
1º ESO |
My New School/The Town |
Virginia García Romero |
1º ESO |
My School/Earth Mission |
Rocío Rufo Maraver |
1º ESO |
Neighbours |
Nieves Brea Pastor |
1º ESO |
The Party/Directions 2 |
Colette Laigle Corderoy |
1º ESO |
The Town, My New School & I Robot |
Benito Otero Varela |
1º ESO |
The Town/Far West |
Juan Rubio Lozano |
1º ESO |
The town, Just married, I spy, Where is it? Sports, Test two, Test four |
Carlos Sueiro Santos |
1º ESO |
My New School, The Town, I Robot, Earth Mission, I Spy, A day at the circus, Time machine, The good old days |
Ana María Arias Castro |
1º - 4º ESO |
My New School/Neighbours/The Band |
María Vidal Nieto |
1/2º ESO |
Earth Mission/The House |
Carolina Román Fernández |
1/3º ESO |
A day at the circus, Action |
Anunciación Piquer Tamarit |
2º ESO |
2/ The party |
Carmen Núñez García |
2º ESO |
Directions, The Band And A Day At The Circus |
Rosa Ana Moreira Fernandez |
2º ESO |
Earth Mission, The Town, A Day at the circus |
Lara García Quintás |
2º ESO |
Friends & Family
- Directions 2 |
Marta Soler Zanuy |
2º ESO |
and higher |
Gumersindo Formoso Pais |
2º ESO |
school/ Penfriends |
Fernández Bello |
2º ESO |
New year's resolution |
Carolina Uría Blanco |
2º ESO |
Penfriends, A day at the circus, Puzzles and Games First Cycle |
Mercedes Pazo Paniagua |
2º ESO |
good old days/Action/Science Museum |
García Portas |
2º ESO |
The Band |
Nelly Rodriguez Anta |
2º ESO |
The Band |
Mª Cristina Dominguez Arrufe |
2º ESO |
The Band -
A Day at the Circus |
M. Margalida Gilabert Màrquez |
2º ESO |
The Band - A
Day at the Circus - Penfriends |
Mª Luisa Barcelona Llop |
2º ESO |
The Band & Higher And Higher |
Paula Botas Ramos |
2º ESO |
The Band & The Circus |
Teresita Del N.J. Cotillo Fernandez |
2º ESO |
The Band, The Science Museum |
Rosa María Ruggiero Pérez |
2º ESO |
The Good Old Days |
Mª Jose Fernandez Reinante |
2º ESO |
The Party, The Band, A Day at the circus |
Lydia Navarro Sánchez |
2º ESO |
The Party. The Band |
Margarita Figueras Oddy |
2º ESO |
The Party/The Band |
Mª José Ramos Calero |
2º ESO |
The Science Museum/Higher and Higher |
Mª Dolores Herrera Rillo |
2º ESO |
Fortune teller |
Belén Vázquez Álvarez |
3º ESO |
I Robot - The
House |
Ana Pilar Delgado Nuño |
3º ESO |
I Robot And The House |
Amelia Beatriz Fernández Mourente |
3º ESO |
I Robot, Pirates, The House |
Belén Alvelo Salgueiro |
3º ESO |
I Robot. Things are different |
Rosario Ángeles Pereyra Castro |
3º ESO |
I Robot. Weather Forecast. Puzzles and Games |
Dolores Quintana García |
3º ESO |
I Robot/The House |
Trinidad Zarza Alabanda |
3º ESO |
I Robot, The House, Pirates |
Lucinda Sousa Dopazo |
3º ESO |
I Robot, The House, Pirates |
Nuria Prieto Díez |
3º ESO |
I Robot, The House, Things are different |
Purificación Cortizas López |
3º ESO |
I_Robot -
Shopping - The House |
Mª Pilar Bergua Barrabés |
3º ESO |
I_Robot - Shopping |
Ana Mª Alfonso Roche |
3º ESO |
Penfriends. Just Married. I Robot |
Ana Isabell Coello Jiménez |
3º ESO |
Pirates |
Menéndez Vázquez |
3º ESO |
Pirates |
Mª Eugenia Massachs López |
3º ESO |
Pirates - Fashion |
Mª Rosario Toledo Seco |
3º ESO |
Pirates - Fortune
Teller |
Valentín Amado Martín Fariiña |
3º ESO |
Shopping - The
House |
Xosefa Sánchez Souto |
3º ESO |
Shopping And Takeaway Food |
Mª Rosa Daporta Santiago |
3º ESO |
Shopping/The House |
Teresa Carmona López |
3º ESO |
science museum/ Higher and higher/Things are different |
Vila Sanclaudio |
3º ESO |
The European Union |
Mª Carmen Bueno Ferreiro |
3º ESO |
The four old friends |
Mª Dolores Díaz Montoya |
3º ESO |
The House -
Planning the Future |
Pilar Rivera Lueza |
3º ESO |
are different |
Hervella García |
3º ESO |
Fashion - Earth
Mission |
Francisca Rodríguez Maqueda |
3º ESO/Div |
Fashion & The Four Old Friends |
Maria Del Puy Goyache Pais |
3º/4º ESO |
Friends and Family, Pirates, Puzzles and Games |
Elena Mateo Bafaluy |
3º/4º ESO |
Pirates/The Four Old Friends |
Elena Castellano López |
3º/4º ESO |
The House, The Tomb of the Pharaoh, The four old friends |
Pilar Garabana Barro |
3º/4º ESO |
Bertie |
Avelino Coto Álvarez |
4º ESO |
Bertie - The Perfect
Family |
Mª Nieves Díaz González |
4º ESO |
Directions And The Four Old Friends |
Mª Asunción Del Valle Cortinas |
4º ESO |
Fashion, The four old friends |
Belén Tizón Méndez |
4º ESO |
Friends and Family. The Four Old Friends |
Desireé Reyes Pérez |
4º ESO |
Gwineth and the Wizard
- Bertie |
Isabel Mª Gil Almansa |
4ª ESO |
I Spy |
Gonzalo González Fernández |
4º ESO |
New Friends And Family & The Four Old Friends |
Mª Angeles Aramburu Nuñez |
4º ESO |
Seaside Holidays. The Four Old Friends |
Alberto Tabares Martín |
4º ESO |
four old friends |
Ogando Vázquez |
4º ESO |
tomb of Pharaoh/ The ideal school |
Puente Gutiérrez |
4º ESO |
tomb of the Pharaoh/ Gwineth and the Wizard |
María De Las Nieves González Prieto |
4º ESO |
Weather Forecast /Gwineth and the Wizard |
Dolores Allegue Bujia |
4º ESO |
The Four Old Friends |
Antonio Godoy Sosa |
4º ESO |
The Four Old Friends
- Weather Forecast |
Adela Chávez Hernández |
4º ESO |
The Four Old Friends/Directions 4 |
Andrés Campoy Balbontín |
4º ESO |
The Four Old Friends/Seaside Holidays |
Juan Manuel Franco Sánchez |
4º ESO |
The Ideal
School - Weather Forecast |
Marga Herrero Rodríguez |
4º ESO |
Weather Forecast -
Traditions - Bertie |
Mª Rosario Martín Morales |
4º ESO |
Gwineth & the Wizard - Trends - An Interview... |
Jorge Durán Cadenas |
4º ESO/Div |
robot/ European Union |
Minia Bongiorno García |
Divers. |
I Robot/The House/The Party |
Aurora Alonso Revuelta |
Divers. |
Love and Marriage. Making Changes. |
Fernando Rodríguez Sosa |
1º Bach. |
Love and Marriage. Making Changes. Mrs Abbot's Computer |
Carmen Alfonso Mederos |
1º Bach. |
Making Changes |
Carlos Martín Alonso |
1º Bach. |
Making Changes |
Montserrat Paz Núñez |
1º Bach. |
Abbot's computer |
Rúa Chapela |
1º Bach. |
Society |
Antonia Fernández Menéndez |
1º Bach. |
The Bolton Chronicle |
Mª Isabel Lema Bouzas |
1º Bach. |
Seaside Holidays. A Journey to China |
Remedios Valera Albert |
1º/2º Bach. |
Gino's Trattoria. Attitudes. A Journey to China |
Rosario Lorenzo Pérez |
2º Bach. |
abroad/ Getting to know yourself/ Journey to China |
Del Pilar Ledo Bañobre |
2º Bach. |
abroad/The Bolton chronicle |
Luis Tato Bonome |
2º Bach. |
and higher |
Rodríguez Mariño |
Adultos |
Things are different
- A day at the circus |
Marta Marcos Fradejas |
Adultos |
Society |
Luisa María Miguel Esteban |
The way we were |
Carmen López Jiménez |
Travelling Abroad/Getting to Know Yourself/ Journey to China/ After School |
Francisco J. Menéndez Sánchez |
Weather forecast |
Mª Jesús García Sanmartín |