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Revisión a fecha de 19:08 9 may 2012; JerrileeBrewington654 (Discutir | contribuciones)
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Analyzing the information, the CoTeSys researchers found that the fly constructs its knowledge of the environment based on the speed of which objects whiz by. The second step is to develop software that might allow a robot to accomplish exactly the same thing. Robots are notoriously poor at navigating their environment, and the lack of ability to process camera data has severely limited the development of autonomous UAVs. So whilst it still seems unlikely that Microsoft Fly Flight Simulator be put into many Christmas stockings this winter, this might still be an important step towards creating autonomous, insect-sized flying robots.

airbus a320 flight simulator experience price may not look like nature's ace pilots if they're bumping up against a closed window or getting squashed beneath a rolled-up copy with the New York Times Magazine, but a German company hopes to unravel the strategies of insect flight by tapping their brains. Literally.The organization Cognition for Technical Systems (CoTeSys) has designed a flight simulator for flies. They hope that analyzing the fly's brain while it navigates a simulated flight path provides the info required to design super-agile micro-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).The simulator (pictured below), shows an immediate succession of flashing patterns and moving shapes that mimic objects a fly may need to navigate. Electrodes monitor the mind waves with the fly, along with a computer process those brain signals into patterns understandable to people without compound eyes. this expirment is actually vert worthwhile few individuals realize how complex flies are and how lots of 1000s of nerves they've got because evolution has allowed to compress them and give them an advatange in flight they can have neurons inside their thorax.Also i had been reading that fruit fly can dream this will let you conscious but and have very similar brain waves humans(see douglas foxe's paper).Turns out flies are very complex creatures far exceed the engenerring expertise and processing in our personal technology I think it is extremely wise to research bilogical systems to help in the creation of our Artificial ones.Flies will be the dumbest of creatures-- they can't learn anything, in the event you position them using it . positive/ negative stimulus training a thousand times, they still won't figure out how to avoid any identifiable form or light pattern, something simple one-celled creatures are capable of doing... yet flies are fantastic survivors like a species. They obviously have no method of storing data, for short periods... otherwise they could learn SOMETHING... however they are awesome for quick response serious amounts of maneuverability. They are strictly stimulus-response mechanisms. I suspect researchers will see that what few neurons flies have are all attached to the other person inside a massive parallel system, making such behavior possible.