Tipos de wikis educativos según sus funciones

De Wikis en Educación

The concept map that follows shows a Cavite House and Lot typology of the different types of educational wikis as the role of priority, as we can find wikis that sometimes several functions simultaneously.

= Educational = Wikis

Are wikis whose function is not teaching, at least not directly, their primary mission is not that students can learn from them, but that support for buy pistachios other activities related to teaching. So we have several subtypes that could be expanded depending on the features they want to.

Provide resources == == other teachers

These wikis act as a repository of all kinds of resources are not made by the teachers who use them but, like the books, experts or staff dedicated to this task. It would be the closest equivalent to the textbook on paper. In them we find activities for students, lecture notes, videos, links, exercises, etc.. Words are 'wiki support' where teachers and students can go to find class materials.

Examples of this type of wikis:

Post == General information == schools

Some centers use wikis as traditional Web pages, through them providing general information on activities and events related to it. The editing capability makes it much easier for any person use such as web portal wikis. They are the 'wikis Center'.

Examples are:

Posting == Departments == Pedagogical

Wikis are ideal for departments to create their own digital materials among the members that compose them. In these 'wikis Department' can put the agendas of the courses, materials used for classes, meeting dates, etc.. Any information that may be useful for the Departments may be included in the wikis.


The wikis are eduwikis whose primary function is directly related to teaching, both for those who make and those who use them.

Wikis == to generate classroom work ==

Wikis are ideal for students to present their work, whether a particular level (each student makes his own work) as if in a group (each group of students doing work). In the first case we would use the editing facility for use in submitting a job. The second would use also Phuket property their ability to work together between several students. This type of wiki is the 'wikis in the classroom.'

These wikis are likely to present a more attractive because they allow the student to express their work in ways different from traditional ones. The classroom wiki can contain not only text but also video presentations, podcast, etc..

In turn, classroom wikis can serve several purposes [1]:

Working an activity === ===

Brief activities of short duration, for the development of a particular activity, not very long lasting. A solo wiki may contain the work of all students and each of them does not need much more than one page (although not necessarily so). They are 'wiki activity'.

Some examples are:

  • [Http://cv4t3-2.wikispaces.com/ Internet and Web 2.0] Work done by students of 4 ESO's [God's Love College http://www.amordedios.org Barcelona], where each student made by a chapter on a topic.
  • [Http://wikiazimut.wikispaces.com/TRABAJOS+DEL+ALUMNADO Wikiazimut]. Work performed by the students of 1 º to 2 º ESO's High School [IES http://www.iesalhamilla.es/ Alhamilla] Biology and Geology.
  • [Http://antologiapoetica.wetpaint.com/ Collection of poems]. Wiki created by Wetpaint in order to learn, but also to present two projects: Literary and Roads Congress for Young Readers of the Generation of 27.

Working on a large topic

There are jobs that are of a monograph for content and length. Networking can take an entire quarter or longer and could justify the use of a wiki for each of these works that consist of many pages (although not necessary). They are 'wiki case'.

For example:

  • [Http://sites.google.com/site/urivia/Home/indice Bullying] Bullying Working in a group of high school students.

Work on a course === ===

As above, wikis are being made in the long run and used to work a subject for the entire duration of the course. It can be edited by teachers and students simultaneously. They are 'wikis of the subject.'

Some examples are:

Wikis to show the student's academic information

The work that the student is doing along its phase as a student can go collecting on a wiki that will act as a . php portfolio. They are the 'personal wikis or portfolio.'

  • [Http://bbamusic.wikispaces.com/Student+Portfolio Burr and Burton]. Portfolios of students from the Music Academy Burr & Burton.
  • [Http://pickeringportfolio.wetpaint.com/ e-Portfolio Project] Portfolio created by the student Joe Pickering as it passes through the Center for Arts & Technology Pickering Campus.
  • Viec lam hai duong Wiki: Wiki jobs source from Hai Duong province.

Wikis == teachers to provide resources ==

These wikis are what make the teachers to use in their classes. They are adapted directly to the kind of teaching they do and thought for their own students. Thus, although in principle may seem like wikis support, the difference is obvious. The former are similar to textbooks and the latter to the notes that the teacher has to give their classes. These wikis contain information that teachers need for their classes, as text, images, videos, activities, etc. They are the 'wikis content'.

Some examples:

  • [Http://edumates.wikispaces.com EDUMATES]. Wiki resources for mathematics teachers created by High School students.
  • [Http://wikitecno.wikispaces.com/ WikiTecno]. Place created by Wikispaces in which members of the Working Group Technology [CEP http://www.cepjerez.net/ Sherry] share their teaching experience and available to anyone who wants to use it.
  • [Http://redul.wikispaces.com/ Redul. Free Educational Resources]. Wiki created by [Jorge Gozalo http://jorgegozalo.blogspot.com/] and Pedro Colmenero Resources of Geography, History and Art History High School students. [Http://centros4.pntic.mec.es/ies.santa.eulalia/ IES Santa Eulalia of Merida]. [Http://iestierrablanca.juntaextremadura.net/ Tierrablanca IES La Zarza] depositcasinobets.com Scrap Computer Recycling
  • Kiem viec lam: wiki source for vietnamese jobs

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tin cong nghe tin công nghệ linh kien dien thoai di dong

Wikis == == multidisciplinary work to

Many wikis are sometimes used outside the context of a subject and used as a medium in which to express activities including numerous disciplines or specialties. This would apply to wikis that are used as school magazine written by students, descriptions of trips were made with the school, facilitating collaboration between different centers, etc.. They are the 'wikis multidisciplinary'.

  • [Http://billeteidayvuelta.wikispaces.com/ A roundtrip ticket]. Treasure Hunt by Ana Basterra in Wikispaces which addresses the issue of migration between Spain and America over the centuries. Planned for students of 3 º ESO-1 High School. They work skills: Information processing and digital, social and civic, linguistic communication, math, learning to learn and autonomy and personal initiative.
  • Tim viec lam, Tin tuyen dung, Tim viec
  • [Http://cplgsfuentes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Portada FUENTESNET]. School Magazine [Luis Garcia Sainz CEIP http://cpgsfuen.educa.aragon.es/]& Nhan Sam Fuentes del Ebro in Zaragoza.

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