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MatherneCooke940 (Discutir | contribuciones)
(Página creada con 'A clairvoyant psychic is a seer with a boundless insight. Clairvoyance is a metaphysical ability, which means that the person using it can see beyond or within the apparent real...')
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última version al 21:18 28 mar 2012

A clairvoyant psychic is a seer with a boundless insight. Clairvoyance is a metaphysical ability, which means that the person using it can see beyond or within the apparent reality. A clairvoyant psychic can read the true meaning hidden within the appearances.

Psychics use clairvoyant ability both as an independent as well as a supplementary tool in tackling the problems of their clients. Some psychics depend entirely on their clairvoyant powers. They are called clairvoyant psychics. The clairvoyant ability in such psychics also includes clairaudience as well as clairsentience. It means that they can see, hear and sense clearly. These three abilities, i.e., clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience together form what is usually termed as extra sensory perception/power—ESP.

A clairvoyant psychic not only sees the visions and hears the voices, he also senses the vibrations of energy emanating out of the people, events as well as situations.

Some clairvoyant psychics do not ask even the name, place or date of birth of a person. They do not use psychic tools such as numerology, astrology, tarot, crystals, etc. to deliver their psychic readings. As soon as a client asks them a question, they at once understand his nature, personality and the problem.

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