
C.        Complete the conversations with the correct word(s).

Conversation 1

Marsha:     Hey, Cindy! Do you want to come to my house after school?

Cindy:       Sorry, I (20) can / can’t because I (21) have to / don’t have to stay at home.

Marsha:     That’s a pity because I want to have a party.

Cindy:       Are you (22) allowed / let to have a party?

Marsha:     No, I’m not, but as long as my parents don’t find out there won’t be any problems!


Conversation 2

Neighbour:     Excuse me! Can you turn the music down, please?

Marsha:          No, I (23) mustn’t / don’t have to.

Neighbour:     Well, you (24) must / mustn’t. It’s much too loud.

Marsha:          Well, you can’t (25) make / allow me turn it down.

Neighbour:     Yes, I can. If you don’t, I’ll tell your parents. I know you (26) don’t have to / aren’t allowed to have parties when they are away.



D.        Use the keywords to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

(27) No smoking!

allowed to

You ______________________________________________________________________________


(28) You have to be home by ten.


You ______________________________________________________________________________


(29) My mother allows me to stay out late.


My mother _________________________________________________________________________


(30) It’s not necessary to phone.

have to

You ______________________________________________________________________________


(31) It’s illegal to park here.


You ______________________________________________________________________________



E.        Look carefully at the words in italics. Choose the correct meaning a, b, or c for 32–38.

(32) You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation         d) Lack of obligation


(33) You can use the telephone whenever you want.

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation          d) Lack of obligation


(34) I’m sorry but I have to do some housework.

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation          d) Lack of obligation


(35) You mustn’t smoke inside the building.

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation          d) Lack of obligation


(36) You don’t need to take any flowers.

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation          d) Lack of obligation


(37) Pets are not allowed in the hotel rooms.

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation          d) Lack of obligation


(38) Are you allowed to go out tonight?

a) Permission          b) Prohibition          c) Obligation          d) Lack of obligation



Functional language

F.         Choose the correct word or phrase, a, b, or c to complete 39–43.

(39) _______________ pass me the salt, please?

a) Could you          b) Do you mind          c) Is it OK if I


(40) _______________ use your bathroom?

a) Can you          b) Do you mind          c) Is it OK if I


(41) _______________ helping me with this, please?

a) Can you          b) Do you mind          c) Is it OK if I


(42) _______________ have some more fish, please? It is delicious.

a) Could you possibly          b) Would you mind          c) Do you think I could


(43) _______________ having white wine rather than red?

a) Could you possibly          b) Would you mind          c) Do you think I could



G.        Complete the conversation with words and phrases from the box.

could you possibly          do you mind if I          do you mind

is it OK          not at all          of course          sure


Alan:    Hi Marge, Jerry. Please come in.

Jerry:    Thanks. Wow! What a lovely place.

Alan:    Sorry, (44) _______________ take your shoes off before you come in?

Jerry    Yes, (45) _______________.

Alan:    Let’s go through to the living room.

Marge: Hi Silvia, how are you?

Silvia:   Hi Marge! I’m fine, thanks. What would you like to drink?

Marge: (46) _______________ have a small gin and tonic?

Silvia:   No, (47) _______________ not. And for you Jerry?

Jerry:    (48) _______________ if I have a whiskey?

Silvia:      No problem, but (49) _______________ having it without ice? I don’t want to go all the way to the kitchen right now.

Jerry:    No, (50) _______________.

(Straightforward Intermediate, Unit test 3,  pages 2, 3 and 4)